Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Dear David Caruso,

Your unbelievably stoic character, Horatio, on CSI: Miami is amazing. He isn't terribly handsome, yet he has the most beautiful Latin women in Miami all up on his jock. He doesn't really interrogate suspects, yet he gets the answers he seeks. Horatio doesn't do any crime lab work, but gets the credit for all the good finds, and he gets all the personal back story drama in most episodes. He's a tough guy who sees the world in black and white, legal and illegal, yet he comes off as incredibly sensitive even though he never shows any emotion whatsoever. He's a man's man.

Most importantly though, Horatio gets to voice Indiana Jones style one liners every 5 minutes. "After I find Lucia, [long dramatic pause] I'm going to shut down your 'corporation.' Forever." Ah-MAY-zing!

I don't know how you landed this gig, Mr. Caruso, with virtually no real acting and tons of perks, but I bow down to you. You've gone from obsolete naked butt guy from NYPD Blue to the hardcore Dudley Do-Right of CSI: Miami. Congratulations, I'd nearly forgotten you existed before this gig.

Yours in CSI addiction,

1 comment:

MelissaJ said...

omg I love Horatio...I still try to copy the next tilt lol