And by the way, you jerks seem to have plenty of time money to keep up the state capital and pay corrupt politicians huge salaries and ensure their kickbacks. It seems to me that you look after yourself, give public education basically nothing, and then punish the schools for struggling to meet state standards by cutting the funding they need to have the resources to get their test scores up and their kids educated. I'm sure it's no big deal to you since your kids all go to La Petite Snot Academy or wherever.
If you come looking for me to get your money, you can kiss the back of my Levi 503 skinnies. It's spent. On my child's "free" public education.
Bite me,
Okay, this is kind of awkward. Anyway, I wanted to thank you for your thoughtful comments on local blogs about SFUSD schools. I'm a teacher in the district. Our school serves a high-needs population.
Over the past couple of years we've made a lot of changes that have made our school a better place to be - like putting together a staff that wants to be there, reaching out to parents who have ample reason to distrust SFUSD and its employees, and building up some cool "enrichment" programs on low cash but good community outreach.
We have a great community and I feel confident that we can provide students with a quality education. Still, it hurts to read stuff that attacks schools much like ours. Especially when those attacks are knee-jerk first impressions that rely on stereotypes.
Anyway, long story short too late: thank you.
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