Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dear Billie Joe,

I understand you may be going through an identity crisis. It happens to all of us. You're getting older-- I get it. You have to appeal to a young, hip audience to maintain your relevance in the mainstream. Of course we can all understand that. But christ on a cracker, what in the name of electroschock therapy are you doing with your hair?

You're a grown man now, with a family, not a 13 year old emo kid.

You are not Dr. Frankfurter, and no, his look cannot be updated for the new millenium.

You are not in The Cure. You're in a band that used to play pretty good pop-rock music, remember?

Combining Sid Vicious' hair with the wardrobe of a 40 year old who scams on 21 year old girls at night clubs does not give you a slightly updated retro-punk look.

Now, I realize this was all because you were just trying to cover up this terrible hair don't, but uh, two wrongs don't make a right, buddy.

I know you want to rectify this whole hair business as soon as possible to limit the number of photos of yourself that you will be cringing at in a matter of months, so I wanted to give an image to meditate on:

Can we please bring it back to the old school, at least a little? I'm not asking you to give up your acoustic guitar or radio friendly, I-make-deep-and-serious-grown-up-music-now-give-me-a-Grammy songs. I'm just asking that you not embarass yourself on the red carpet at those Grammys.

And hey, lose the tie. I mean really. Borrowing Avril Lavigne's circa 2004 style? You're killin' me.

Your hometown girl who's hoping you google yourself,


Veronica said...

Oh, he's the inheritor of the Bono crown. I wouldn't have guessed it in 1994, but I do believe it's true.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic post. And so true.

Anonymous said...

ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?! He's a P.U.N.K which means he does whatever he wants and doesn't care what everyone else thinks. We ALL have our own styles and you don't have the right to criticize. Would you want someone writing a blog about YOU and complaining about how you look?? I don't think so. And Avril DIDN'T invent the 'tie thing' Ties were made for MEN. Also, who cares if he has kids?! Hes just doing his hair the way HE wants to not the way U want him to. All u are telling people from this blog, is that you obviously don't have ANYTHING better to do than go on the internet and criticizing people because they arn't the way you want them to be. SO SHUT UP!

Lauren Riot said...

LOL he hasn't been a P.U.N.K. since 1994 and he knows it.

Lauren Riot said...

And he doesn't do his hair the way he wants to, he does it the way the record company tells him to, and they have obviously done their research, because you are not the first 12 year old girl to send me hate mail.

BTW, did you know he's not British?? Asdflkhgghjakdjdjdhjsj