Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dear Mercury Retrograde,

It's been sort of fun watching everyone's lives fall apart in the last two and a half weeks. Especially my life; that's been really fun. It's comical when everything that can go wrong does, in fact, go wrong. I kinda feel like I'm living inside a Ben Stiller movie. You know, where you squirm in your seat because you just wish that for once something good would happen.

The joke's over now, Mercury Retrograde. I am so officially over you. It really isn't funny anymore. I'm over all the broken cars and appliances, the injuries, the snafus, the impossible catch-22s, and every other miserable thing that comes with you. You are Murphy's Law incarnate and I can't handle the wrath you are raining down around me.

Hoping this will post before my wifi cuts out or my laptop crashes (or I have an emotional breakdown and throw it on the floor),

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